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David Irvine - Keynote Speaker

David Irvine is sought after internationally as a speaker, author, and trusted leadership advisor. His work has contributed to the building of accountable, vital and engaged organizations across North America. As one of Canada’s most respected voices on leadership and organizational culture, David has dedicated his life to helping build organizations that attract, retain, and unleash success - by leading The Authentic Way.™  David has advanced degrees in human development, science and social work. With more than thirty years of experience as a workshop facilitator, family counsellor, professional speaker, and adviser to executives, David has developed a unique, personal and practical approach to transforming leaders.  Every year, thousands of people attend David’s inspiring and thought-provoking programs on authentic leadership, accountability, embracing change, and cultural alignment.  David is the best-selling author of six books, with over three hundred thousand copies sold worldwide. He consults with and presents to a wide range of corporations, professional associations, government, education and health care organizations.  David has taught courses at three universities and the Banff School of Management.

October 5th


9:30am - 10:30am (Keynote)

CARING IS EVERYTHING Getting To The Heart Of Humanity, Leadership, and Life


Too often, at the end of a day, we discover that our lives are reduced to looking down at our devices and accomplishing whatever is on our to-do lists. As a result, we lose our connection with the deeper human need to be present to what surrounds us. Caring connects us with each other, making us the best of who we are and what we can be. Caring is a decision to engage with the world around us.

  Caring enriches all facets of our lives. It makes workplaces worth working in, relationships worth being in, and communities worth living in. Caring is everything.

  This session gets to the heart of creating a workplace and a life that matters. Based on David’s newest book, Caring Is Everything, he presents an inspiring and thought-provoking message about the vital role that caring serves in every aspect of our lives.

  • Learn how caring impacts everything you do: fosters trust, engages employees, builds loyalty, creates meaning in our lives, and leads to business success.

  • Understand the true meaning of service leadership in the public service and how to build a more fully human organization.

  • Leave with a fresh approach to self-renewal as a leader.


10:45am - 11:45am (Breakout Session 8)

Accountability in an Age of Entitlement - The Power of Agreement


In a world where unearned entitlement remains so prevalent, both in the workplace and in society, leading means getting to the deep meaning and application of accountability. David Irvine’s personal, proven and practical philosophy and approach to accountability helps leaders build trust, respect, and integrity. It reveals how to banish blame and fear, transform entitlement into ownership, close the gap between intention and success, and get a grip on results.  Leave this session with a renewed and positive perspective on accountability. Based on David’s inspiring best-selling book, Bridges of Trust, this session will illustrate how accountability is not a ‘program’ to be ‘installed’ throughout an organization or a ‘flavour of the month’ management fad. Accountability is an inspiring leadership philosophy that lies at the foundation of both labour and life.   Take this opportunity to learn from one of Canada’s most respected voices on leadership and organizational culture. In this inspirational and thought-provoking session, David Irvine will provide a practical approach to building a culture of accountability.   Inspire people around you by being accountable.   Inspire your employees to think like owners and foster an accountable attitude at every level of your organization.  Transform blame, entitlement, and fear into courage, personal responsibility, and commitment – through the power of agreement and the power of example.


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